Best Speaker New or Used under $1.5K

Hello all,
I've been reading reviews all day long and never quite found what I'm looking for and now very confused. I recently purchased the Arcam AVR 300 and have Pardigm Ref. Studio 20's and CC with a little pair of Tannoys for the rear (they were free). I use my system 50/50 music and movies. As for music, I'm an old rocker growing up with Hendrix, Clapton, Allman Brothers, etc. now listen to Dave Mathews, Sara Mclauglin,etc...and will always listen to Stevie Ray. I'm looking to upgrade the speakers and would really appreciate your input. Starting with the mains? and maybe the CC? Thanks All.
The Dynaudios are alittle bit out of my budget range. Any other suggestions? I'm open to all opinions. I live in San Jose, Ca. so I do have many Audio Stores for auditioning :)
Denon 53:

Finding a good speaker at your price level shouldn't be the problem ... identifying what you like in a speaker is usually the problem. I recognize up front that my tastes are somewhat different, as I tend not to care for some of the more popular choices around here. With that said, I would suggest taking a look at:

NHT ST4 floorstanders ($1000 list). This speaker is actually 2 speakers in one ... their SB3 sealed box design monitor integrated with a side firing 8" woofer. I had been using a pair of the less expensive SB2's in a bedroom system and decided to pair the NHT's up with my Prima Luna Prologue Two tube amp for a while. I never heard warmer; more detailed; and more nuanced sound from a system. (I use Omega Super 3's now, which are high efficiency, single driver systems made for tube amps, not recommended for Arcams). The NHT's made it back to the bedroom and a vintage Marantz receiver ... not an ideal match, but more than OK ... NAD is slighlty better though.

The other speakers that have really captured my attention (and imagination and if I am not careful, wallet) are somewhat out of your price range. They are made by Focus Audio ... its is their Signature Product line ... FS68 ($2000/pair monitor) and FS78 ($3000 pair floorstander). Simply magical.

There's no best speaker. You have a very good receiver, just find what mates well with it.

Regards, Rich
Interesting. There are a number of good choices. First I've owned several pair of Paradigm and always ending up feeling bored. I have just acquired a pair of Bohlender Z7's on 'Gon for a silly price and they are unreal for the $$. If you like to rock, can't beat some classic Klipsch (Forte's, Quartets, Heresy's) they drive real easy too. PSB has some outstanding values in their Image series. Good places to start. Good Luck
I bet you could get a good deal on a pair of Soliloquy's... I hear that they are out of busines...
I also listen to your taste in music. I have a pair of Tyler acoustics ref monitors and they do the job extremely well. You can pick them up used for about $1000 and new for $1800. They are monitors and have good bass for their size, but if you want deep base, a sub-woofer is needed.