Tyler Linbrook System for butt kicking?

I need an affordable speaker that will kick a$$ in rock, metal, electronica. That is 80% of my listening. I also enjoy ambient, jazz vocals.

Can the Linbrook System deliver?

The Tyler Acoustic Linbrook 1 pcs system with deliver most of what your asking for.. I listen to alot of 70's and 80's music and some newer.. The Tylers sound very good on most Rock , Classical, Jazz and Blues ect.. I would say right at and over 90 to 95% affective.. The metal will sound pretty good on some and others would probably rate at about 80 to 85% affective... The Tylers overall though perform very nicely and handle very well.. I would say there some of the best available at there cost and sound as good and better as ones that cost lots more...
Good luck ,
the Linbrooks will do most anything you want, because of their build quality and high quality drivers. Ty will customize them for you as well. If you tell him that you want the 'butt kicking' upgrade, I'm sure he'll be able to accomodate you. :-)

They are excellent speakers. I've posted many times about the Linbrooks. Look up my threads.

good luck. keep that head bangin' :-)
Oldpet is correct and i may be making it sound like im under rating them.. I guess my way of saying nothings perfect though,, The Tyler's though are awefully close and sound awesome..Ty is aslo a very nice person to deal with, he cares about his product and his customers.. You won't go wrong, give them a try, i think you will be very satified..
Call Ty and ask him about another line he is producing
that use pro drivers & horn tweeters. I have a pair
and they do rock!! 2-15" woofers & 2-10" midrange per
side & 99db...they rock all right and with just a 50
pc tube amp!