Differences between Accuphase C-2820 and C-3800?

Hi there, I'm mulling over the purchase of the C-2820 but have not totally written off the flagship C-3800. Does anyone know how they differ sonically?

Thanks in advance.
Baloney. I have no idea who Dave is. Arturo is the only exclusive wholesale Distributor for
Accuphase in the United States. He is very objective in his assessment and has more experience with Accuphase than anyone else in the country. He is not my retail dealer. He is a wholesaler. Why would he want to jeopardize the sales of the C-3800? You are really showing your ignorance referring to the manuals.
I could give two craps about the manuals. I am specifically
referring to the technical information in the Catalog pages and interior photo's on the Accuphase website. You have no idea what your talking about by stating the C-2820 is a minor change from the C-2810. The C-2820 is a whole new creature.

I have never said the C-2820 is a minor update over the C-2810. Only that
the difference between them can not be qualified as a quantum leap. (The C-
2800, C-2810 and C-2820 pre-amps belong to the same family and the
differences between them are incremental.)

You on the other hand have listed circuit boards made of fluorocarbon resin
as one of the important advancements in C-2820 over C-2810. As I've
mentioned, you have no point. Both have circuits boards of fluorocarbon.

It is certainly not the first time I see you giving advices that are silly and/or
incorrect. Instead of continuing to argue with you or to expose your
ignorance. I will let the readers figure out for themselves how trustable you
really are by inviting them to glance at two of your previous threads:

World's best Pre-amp for $10K and above?

PMC vs. Salk Sound Speakers. Which is better?
Nvp... You are in outer space and LaLa land on the tech info on the two Pre-amps. The C-2810 uses teflon copper circuit boards. The glass cloth flourocarbon resin boards are only used in the C-3800 and the new C-2820. This board material is extremely expensive and provides a much lower noise floor. Incremental improvement? Absurb. Do your homework and go buy a six pack.