Differences between Accuphase C-2820 and C-3800?

Hi there, I'm mulling over the purchase of the C-2820 but have not totally written off the flagship C-3800. Does anyone know how they differ sonically?

Thanks in advance.
Hi Dave, thanks!
Not quite Nine yet, still on Seven creeping up ever so slowly at the moment.. ;P

As per your request which aroused my curiosity, on a whim I have just re-tried plugging the 900/901 direct to A-200s again (this time using Siltech Empress DC XLR as Ic), and A-B'd them for a bit.
Although my immediate preference was still firmly with pre in chain, surprisingly realized that with good IC, the Accuphase combo direct to amp did managed damn fine sounding results too.. Hence can imagine how some would opt to run them this way forgoing pre's.
If you are currently running single digital source only, in your position, I'd opt first for the 800/801 combo (but do check how much differ 800's output is from 900's), throw in the best Ic you could into your A-65 and I believe you are set.
Will take one heck of an excellent/sota pre to beat that and not to mention the hefty $um involved. Further, you have, and still using the DG correction unit right?
*Add in pre later, only when you happened upon a truly sota one at a truly good price. ;)
Hi Bvdiman,

You're welcome! Ok, well that ain't too bad to say the least! :D

Take care!
Hi Dave, too bad you are not living close to Amsterdam. I'll be happy to demonstrate the A-65 vs. A-45 amps for you. :)

Hi Bvdiman. Thanks for your answer. I am thinking quite seriously to buy a 801/800 but I will need to sell my A-45 and DP-600 first. I'll keep my C-2410 pre-amp for the time being, as I use quite often its balance control button. The 900/901 is certainly a no-go as here it is 2 times more expensive than the 801/800 combo. Regarding the DG-38 unit, I still use it. In fact, I can not recommend this unit enough. Its room correction function should be mandatory to any serious system.
Hi Nvp, why thank you for the invite! I really would like to hear the differences. Here in the US, the A-65 is a whole $9k more than the A-46. So, I really am not able to afford it. If I get it from you know where, yes I would. Also, I don't believe there's a dealer over here where you can compare both amps! I don't get it, the importer wants all of this money, but there's hardly anywhere to audition! Except for CES, really. Imagine that! I will look into the DG-38 as well. Talk to you soon!
Hi Nvp,
Some further thoughts..
After having trialled for couple more days :
*Without Pre ~ The direct/rawness of detail/transparency/resolution and more upfront presentation as always seem impressive and fun to listen to initially, but sure enough signs of fatigue sets in given longer periods.
*With Pre ~ Soundstage sounded more expansive with better dimensionality, presented in a far more relaxed and enjoyable/addicting manner, no fatigue here. *Overall better dynamics and PRAT too, closer to that of live performances.
*However I'm here using same source for comparisons, where else in your case, a supposedly superior one substituting the Pre set-up, so results will invariably differ.

Do weigh into your consideration also that perhaps buying an excellent Pre is after-all the much wiser investment (longer term one) compared to buying a SOTA Cdp? *Either way, just make sure the 800/801 combo you are considering are priced right, one which can be re-sold later at little/no loss to you. ;)

Btw. Do you use HS-link (RJ/E) as interface into your DG? If yes, do try one of the upgraded cables I mentioned above. A worthwhile upgrade for not much money, imo.