Any info on new Sonus Faber Amati Anniversario?

Just learned about the new offering, it's in Sonus Faber manufacture web site but not in Sumiko web site yet.

New Amati uses Ring Radiator tweeter, but not sure if it is the Vifa or Scanspeak version. Rumor has it both midrange and woofers are now sourced from SEAS. Completely different drivers from top to bottom basically makes them a different speaker, sound is expected to be quite different from original version for sure.

Interesting Sonus Faber kept Guarneri Homage intact for 10+ years without any major update.

Anyone has more info or first hand experience with the new Amati Anniversario? Does that mean time to upgrade for me?
Downunder, Are you selling your Mahlers? Cremona is wonderful speaker for the money(most emotional one in that price range, IMO!) but, they are not going that deep in bass as your Mahlers. Kops and Semi both own Cremona's so, they will able to help you even more...
On the other hand with CJ Prem140 you will be able to get the best out of Cremona's.
Branimir. Yes I am looking at selling my Mahlers - too hard to drive and don't really sound that great at lower volumes - they seem to need current and volume.

I just listened to the Wilson Sophias and SF Cremona at the local ho fi shop. Wilson, uninvolving, sterile and lifeless. Cremona a lot better more natural sounding - no comparison really, however the bass was not that great so were a little lite and airy sounding - no meat on the bones.

I was about to leave and stopped by the bigger demo room and they had a pair of Strativari's. They hooked them up, quickly and switched on the pass X350's from cold and I listened for the next 25 minutes.
They sounded AMAZING. This is the first time that a store setup has sounded superior in every to my home system. The best thing is that the Strats seem to have a tonal weight and convection in the upper bass/lower mids that gave all the music a organic feel. the rest of the bass however was nice and tight. I play a lot of rock, pop,alternative, so having a warmer balance with transparency and able to rock out is what I am looking for. The Strat seemed to do that in spades IMO. They also don't take up that much room as they are quite shallow.

I am seriously thinking about buying the demo model as they are going to offer me a good deal. Trouble is I have to convince the wife to spend all our savings!.

I know you liked the Amati, however they don't have that on demo so stuck what to buy. Amati unheard or pick up a reasonable good deal on the Strats that I literally fell in luv with.

If I do buy, is it better to stick with my prem350 or go to prem140??
Downunder, I am glad that you like Strad! I like Anniversario even more but, both are emotional champs!
Anniversario is more coherent than Strad with more precise and stable soundstage, also faster in bass. Strad has grander scale(a little bit) as you found out. Both are excellent choice(only personal preferences will move us to one or another, IMO)...
CJ Prem350 or Prem140?? Let me give you very strange answer-stick with Prem350, sell your VTL TL7.5 and add CJ ACT2! Since both Prem350 and ACT2 invert phase you will not need to change polarity on your speakers and synergy will be great! Brown and finesse of Prem350 with warmth and resolution of ACT2. VTL TL7.5 is excellent preamp but, it is fully balanced design that sound very best via balanced connection as my ARC REF3. Your Prem350 is single ended in its natur... Also I heard Prem350/ACT2 combo and it is amazing stuff. If you want to stick with VTL TL7.5 than you might change your amp to VTL S-400... Synergy is IMO everything!

Does the anniversario have the same upperbass/lower mid tonal weight that the strad has?. I would think not( but I could be wrong), as the large baffle would contribute to that - personally that is what I like about the strad sound. Similar to the Naim DBL's I listened to a long time ago in weight.

having that extra weight in the bass is also good for rock and pop. I would be afraid that I would loose a bit of bass weight re- anniverario v mahler - of course gain in most other area's.
Downunder, You are probably right... Then again difference between Strad and Anniversario is more question of personal taste, IMO. Downside of large baffle is not so coherent sound and lack of pin point imaginig. Strad is slower sounding then Anniversario, this might also contribute to fuller sound that Strad has in upper bass/lower midrange. With either Strad or Anniversario you will have true world class speaker, IMHO.
If the price is OK for you go for Strad.