trying to upgrade speakers

currently own mobile fidelity om 1
with a musical fidelity x-150 amp
room size is 13 by 15
i have auditioned spendor 8se
triangle antal speakers.
ihave also read alot about green mountain audio callisto
and tyler acoustic linbrook lls but am hesitant because
i cant listen to them. musical tastes vary from jazz to
rock played at moderate volume. would appreciate
any suggestions and advise.
nobody offered a home demo on any of the speakers that
i demod.
do the callistos require stands?
just to let you know ,i am fairly new at this high end
stuff thats why i am uncertain about ordering speakers
by mailorder. i did that with the mobile fidelitys
and after a while realized i wanted something with
a better midrange and bass.
If new to all this hifi stuff, you owe it to yourself to experience a panel speaker prior to purchase. Some of the more popular brands include Magnepan, Martin Logan, Apogee, Sound Labs, Eminent Technology (which I own), etc. I'm sure others can give additional ideas.

Some people are cone people while others are smitten with the panel/planar sound. Possibly check out the MUG website (Magnepan User's Group) since it also includes threads for many other panel speakers. If you are near a major city, there should be one of these brands available to audition.

Once you have that settled, it will be much easier to concentrate on specific brands.
If you are new to audio then you may be fairly new to this site? At the top of the Audiogon home page is a search box with an ADVANCED option next to it. Click advanced, in the ZIP CODE search option you can find speaker systems for sale which are local to can go listen!

Note: the first two digits of your zip code are all that is needed for a much wider my case (Michigan) 48 will pull up the east side of the state and 49 will pull up the west side of the state.

A home demo is absolutely the best way to go. Other ways to demo are to go see them at a dealer (per SoGood's comments) or attend an audio show (Rocky Mountain Audio Fest upcomming in Denver), or buy used, see if they perform to your standard, then keep or re-sell depending on the outcome. It is the best way to have peace of mind that you have made the right choice and that your conscience is clear. I echo Elsneb's comments regarding the GMA Callisto, you have to start somewhere with a speaker choice to home trial. I would be surprised if you couldn't work out a deal with a GMA dealer to try before you buy. Home demos are how I have stayed with GMA speakers for the last 1.5 years vs. four others in the previous 2 years. Check them out.
If a dealer will not let you demo at home... find a new dealer. There is too much competition on the internet not to. But do try to stick to your local dealers if they prove to be honest and helpful. It is a little dirty to test a dealer with loaded questions but it is a quick way to see if they are going to be straight with you.

Ask your local dealer if you need a $400 pair of interconnects with your new Sony receiver and Infinity speakers. If he laughs or nicely explains the futility of doing so you have a straight shooter. If he says anything verging on "yes" then be warry if not outright affraid of his corrupt business practices.

Similar questions for improving the same set-up would be for better (Monster) speaker cables, better terminations on said speaker cables, new (Denon because its the best that Crutchfield has to offer) DVD player, or sorbothane feet for your receiver. THe answer to all of these questions should be "no."

Good luck and have fun with the new hobby!