Best speakers for Classical music under 10k used

I currently have an upgraded pair of Thiel 2.3's that I have been happy with but am now ready to upgrade. I plan on listening to the Thiel 7.2 and the Wilson Sophias. I was wondering what others I should seach out? For 'classical' music only - big orchestra to solo instrument
I listen to classical much of the time and also have played in our local symphony ,The Skagit Symphony, for the past 15 years Bass Trombone.I have the Martin Logan Quest Z's and paired up with great tube gear and a properly set up Analog rig,its very difficult to find anything any better unless you get the old Martin Logan CLS 2Z's But they are much harder to drive IMO.
I think ELS Speakers will show so much more macro and micro level detail that cone speakers just simply can't match.
I've yet to find a better speaker for full-throttle orchestral music than the Thiel 7.2s. They are excellent on solo and small classical pieces as well. A bit finicky, but magic when properly set-up with top equipment. I too had the the 2.3s prior to my upgrade. Good luck with your search and let us know what you decide upon.

I would say Legacy Whispers. They can be magical, especially with a tubed front-end. Lots of speakers, 95db efficiency, open air design, really nice. Can be had used for your price range if you can find them.
I'd also have to submit another vote for Merlin. Not only are they amazing for all forms of music thrown at them, they come with THE best customer service in the business. This can't be overstated or over valued; bobby palkovic, their designer, is a true asset to the audio community. You should give him a call at the merlin factory. Even if you are considering purchasing them used, as I was, he can offer a tremendous insight, as well as recommend other brands of speakers that might be to your liking.