Von Schweikert DB99 or Vandersteen 5A ??

Dealers in my area don't carry these models.

I'm sure they're both excellent, but how about some feedback from folks that heard both or owners of either ?
Howdy! Given the price of the speakers you're considering you need to make a trip to listen to them. We can tell you all about the speakers in question, but in the end it's your money. I travelled to hear the 5s prior to purchase deliberately. I heard them in 3 totally different systems and that was what convinced me that they were for me.

It's worth it. Plus, you'll have a relationship with the dealer you purchase from. That will be worth a lot if you ever need anything like tuning on the 5As.

Good luck and happy holidays!
To those thinking Parsifal vs 5A, I'd bet that your preference will be clear pretty quickly, though which choice you make will reflect your priorities. I own Parsifal Encores and have extensively auditioned 5As. Verities can't begin to touch the power, extension and pitch definition of the 5As in the lowest 2 octaves. Then again, I'm not sure I've heard any speaker that does (Vandy's room tuned bass system works far better than any such alternative I've ever heard.).

However, the Parsifal sounds much more dynamic and open through the mid-range. Until you get to very high levels, the 5As sound polite and laid back by comparison. Also, the Parsifal is amazingly seamless, the dynamic mid to dynamic mid bass to dynamic bass. As you get lower in pitch, you'll hear the speaker's shortcomings only in ways specific to deep bass reproduction. Conversely, as you get higher in pitch, you'll hear the 5A get less convincing unless you get the volume really cranked.

Both are great speakers. Neither is perfect. Choose your poison.
Thanks everyone for the responses - they are very helpful. I wonder if the DB-99 is a compromise between the performance of the Parsifal in the mids and upper ranges, and the 5a in the bass? I'm also wondering whether the DB-99 is more susceptible to line noise - I have a tubed CDP and a tube amp (no preamp but if I added one I was thinking of a tubed preamp). I do have 2 dedicated lines but I've had to roll some tubes to reduce tube hiss.
As for bass, I'd rather have a tight 35 Hz than a sloppy 20 - how does the Parsifal sound down to its dropoff point? Maybe I'd better find a pair of Verity and VSA to audition somewhere.
Another question for the experienced: will my large room mitigate any tendency of the DB99 to sound forward (my term)? It sounds like the consensus is that the DB99 is a lively speaker - "lively" sounds appealing, "forward" not so appealing.
Thanks for keeping the thread alive.
The DB99 does not sound forward at all to my ears. I really don't think that should be a major worry.

That said, as you and others have indicated, your own ears will be the final judge. Auditioning the speakers in question is the best way to find out.


Dynamic and alive instead of "lively" and there is no consensus which I am aware of that the 99's are forward. Any moderate to large sized room will be fine for the 99's IMO. It's about placement, as any speaker is. Find the right placement and the 99's will disapear- provided they are fed good gear up stream.