Thiel 7.2 vs Wilson Sophia

Anyone able to a/b these two? Curious to hear reactions. I have not been able to hear either (yet) in NYC.
I have spent some time with both, and this is a no-lose situation. The 7.2 will defintely have better low frequency extension, be harder to drive (consider monoblocks here), will be more sensitive to upstream components and require a large room. Thiels need to be spread wide apart, face forward (no toe-in), and be far from side and rear walls. The listener also needs to be at least 12 feet away to allow for proper driver integtration.

The Sophias are much more sensitive and easier to drive. They also can fit is a wider variatey of rooms. They too like to be spread out, but using more of a toe-in placement, which means side walls aren't as much of a factor. These speakers don't seem to require grade A upsteam componenents, but will also show benefit from them.

All that being said, they don't sound anything alike. You really need to make your decision on 1) Your sound preference, 2) Room size 3) Amplifier(s)

These are just my opinions based on a few hours with each speaker.
If you want to set off WWIII, just send this thread to Richard Hardesty of Audio Perfectionist and Michael Fremer of Stereophile.

Jim Thiel likes to toe in the 7.2's somewhat. Not directly at the listener like some, but more toe in than just slight.
This would also help with some room reflections 'sounding' much different than the direct, causing conflicting first/later arrival issues.