Sacd/dvd-a, The Hype Is Dead, For Me At Least...


I purchased a 2000.00 Universal and about 10 titles mostly SACD

SACD- Nice on surround, actual 5.1 disks, Stereo SACD well if you can get a Re-mastered CD or a Hybrid then its just as good on an awesome Redbook player as thru an SACD decoder... It is interesting.

DVD-A- Most of them ended up very UNDERWHELMING.... as stated earlier, and just a PAIN IN THE A$$...

Vinyl- I am only mentioning this as it seems viable for the discussion, as much garbage as it takes to turn on a DVD-A disc half the time I can put a LP on my VPI record cleaner, and Que it up just as well and it BLOWS away the DVD-A, and Most SACD's... I am not an Analog protector, as a matter of fact I bought My Analog RIG after ATTEMPTING SACD/DVD-A universal world.

CD- Bottom line Re-mastered Cd's and SACD Hybrids sound superior on a good old 16x BIT WADIA 4000.00 player than the SACD on the top of the line Marantz SACD player(this was borrowed)... This will catch much Heat I am sure, but drop the drama, invest Redbook, You can't buy anything on SACD or DVD-a in comparison to well recorded Redbook on a Very good redbook machine unless you are looking for the true benefit of surround SACD's. 2 channel I do not see the point.

Now let me back up, I am irritated only because, I am young, never had vinyl, and I started my High-end(audiophile) Life right in the Middle of SACD/DVD-A War about 2 years ago, so of course I had to have it... I will never go back to the headach of it now that someone was kind enough to show me the true sound of a Wadia player and a Vinyl rig in comparison to it.

I sold all Hi-Def Audio Software and Hardware and took all that money to the used market and Purchased the Wadia and Vinyl rig with YES an old fashoned Record cleaner to get the most out of it, and could not be Happier! Plus 90% of everything you could want is on Vinyl and CD, including New bands, many re-issues, etc...

Don't get me wrong, If you are into the titles that are in abundance on the SACD format GO FOR IT! It sounds VERY VERY good, but if you like maybe 10 CD's that exist on it, take the extra Money and purchase at least a Theta, Wadia, Maybe even Krell Machine(but I do not like the sound as much)... Okay don't take this as bashing, this is Truly my opinion on what I have heard and spent much time testing, And these were all done in home comparisons with Equal cost equipment for the most part for many months. And done in a very good room, good cables, speaker placement, power supply, and acoustic treated room that sounds excellent and does not lie....

I have nothing against the Hi-res music, hell I wanted it, I tried it as a newbee, and there is some definate impressive stuff, the MAIN thing I love about using Hi-res is When you can get your favorite guys in concert with DTS up on the HDTV in front of you, that so far is the only worthy format I have found worth the money and the cause, So I have a Seperate MOVIE / Slash / Concert DVD system that is a lot of fun and phoenominal results... But 2 Channel, get the best CD's or Hybrids, because the Hybrids do for some reason sound better than the originals probably due to they are Re-mastered very well, and a rewarding CD player will show this as much as the SACD counterpart if in a correctly setup system. And Vinyl, Ha well lets just say coming out of college recently my friends laugh until they here it cranked and can't believe it, especially if you have some good stuff to back it, but there is "DOG" recordings on ALL formats so don't think any sytem will Turn coal into a diamond in front of you.

But this all costs money No doubt, I only threw this little thread in here to maybe help some people save some cash... We can't have it all, but you can have it better if you know the direction to go in, I did not, but I found it, and it was full circle all the way back to the begining.. Don't let Hype rule your ears.
Interesting. I have resisted buying either SACD or DVDa - becuase of the lack of titles, lack of unified format (i.e there shoudld be 1 HD CD format only) and lack of digital outputs.

The fact of the matter is that I am their target audience (as most of everyone here is) and they failed to sell me.

I do have a few Chesky and other lable 96k audio on DVD. (forget what that bastared format is called) I bought them becuase I knew they would play on mst any DVD player and my D/A would decode them. They sound excellent BTW.

I recently got some new gear, a powerplant P500, and GCC-100 control amp. I thought it sounded harsh in the highs, as others have mentioned. Since I could return the GCC100 within 30 days (there was no way I was returning the P500- best upgrade I have ever made) I got my vinyle rig going, which had been down for 6 months after a sytem move and reconfigure.

The vinyl was simply outstanding- no trace of treble hardness or whiteness I hear with the CD (even though an upsampling converter - which does do quit a good job over non upsampled)

LP's made me realize just how good the GCC100 is.

I have since tried changing speaker position- much closer together with no toe in (after reading that many tweeters are smoother off axis) This has helped quite a bit, and
now the systems is quite good and livable with digital.

I'm now looking into refurbing my older WTT table with new fluids, belt and new Shelter 501 - it really needs it and hopefully will sound even better than it does now.
I have been holding off on the new formats waiting for the clear industry standard to emerge. I am still waiting many years later. What would be great for us audiofools is to have a simple 2 channel CD recording that uses 96K with the end result being higher quality recordings. Ideally the 'new' generation disks would be able to play on existing machines as well. Don't hold your breath waiting however. I do not ever see it happening. The vast majority of people do not have the system to hear the differance between the 2. Recording companies and distributors do not want to bother.

I listen to vinyl about 70% of the time and have resisted upgrading my digital source because of all of the possible new formats and my feeling that none will be as good as vinyl. I was however very surprised after auditioning a Balanced Audio CD player. WOW! This played redbook CD's better than any SACD I have ever heard, it was full, musical with the depth, warmth and liveliness that I love in my vinyl. Only draw back was the near $6000 price tag. I do not think we need a new format, just improvement in hardware bringing the cutting edge sound to a more accessble price point, or perhaps higher paying jobs!
I was at a local electronic store today and they had an entire aisle of DVD-A and SACD. I was impressed. I browsed the titles and probably found 5 titles I would like to hear. Not much. Worse, I went over to the player section and they didn't have any SACD or DVD-A players for sale. It didn't add up.
I'm done with SACD. I went for the ride (to the tune of about 150 SACD's). I have sold all my single layer SACD discs, my SACD player, and have never looked back.

SACD was great. It got me into jazz music. In the end, though, I found a good redbook version of most CD's were, on a good redbook rig, equivalent to the SACD version.

Now that I have transferred all my music to a computer based music server, I find my priorities changing dramatically. I am also buying music like crazy again....and loving it.