Best speakers 2,500 can buy.

I am currently looking at Totem Hawks, Gallo ref3,and merlin TSM speakers. I have narrowed it to these three. But I cannot decide from here. I have an average room at 14x24, and I listen to music 75% versus video 25%. I am looking for a very detailed hi resolution type speaker. I want it to be very musical also. I have climbed up the ladder from polks to B&Ws, but want my next purchase to last a long while. Need opinions.
I'm sorry Dritchey, Did I miss something or did no one ask? What amps are you planning on driving these with? The synergy between the speakers and power amps is critical in your choosing IMHO. Cheers!
Zu Druids, if you can spend just $300 more. Nothing in the price range - and I mean nothing - offers coherence, resolution, musicality, immediacy and expression while delivering high tonal accuracy. It is friendly to a huge range of amps and your space can be easily driven by very low power options. The Druid is a revelation in this price range and humbles speakers costing many times more.

I personally would like to compare the Green Mountain Audio Callisto to the Zu Druids. Has anyone done this? Both are first order crossovers. The Callisto I own has a cast marble cabinet that is dead quiet and the best I have heard. The Druids are more SET friendly, but I am curious about the cast aluminum tweeter as most are bright in my experience. The Callisto also has a lifetime warranty. Any information would be appreciated from those who have heard both.
Lots of suggestions w/o much info on associated equipment and musical tastes. I can throw out my favorite speaker in this price range as well, but that doesn't mean it's right for you.
Please elaborate on your tastes and equipment.