Amplifier Question

I recently made an offer to buy a Classe CA-400 for $2,000. My question is whether this much power is needed to drive a pair of Tyler Acoustic Signature Ref Monitors?
Firecracker_77 I truly don't mean to dog you yet, what are you doing making an offer on an amp when you don't know if it is a good pairing for your speakers? Amp/speaker pairing is critical and maybe only second to TT/tonearm/cartridge pairing. Beyond matching the specs, there is the sound for God sake! The Tyler are 44-20k, @8 ohm, 88db w/m, 25-150 watts if I'm not mistaken and the Classe CA400 is... well, 400w/ch.x2. Classe is nice, I do not have familiarity with the Tyler but I'm sure it will be fine, if not somewhat overkill in the watt department. LOL
It won't hurt anything to have plenty of power at all. That is much better than clipping that is done by amps more often than owners suspect anytime they turn them up much at all. If you want it, buy it, great amplifier. I'm suspecting you're going to be pleasantly surprised. I'm definitely in the have plenty of power and then some camp. Once you hear perfect dynamics with zero strain or clipping you'll know it.
Dont buy into the statement that amp and speaker matching is as important as the Vinyl equipment matching, it simply is not true, it is subjective at best. The only judge will be your ears, and too much power is always better than not having enough, your ears and your speakers will surely appreciate your choice in power. The last thing is never take most of the statements as rock solid fact, only s few rules are cut and dry, the rest of this hobby is purely personal choice, tubes, solid state, vinyl, digital, cones, electrostats, horns.....the list goes on and on. I have to with all due respect say that RF and his pairing of speakers with amp statement is well..... foolish.
Have fun, and buy Music...not Equipment!
The CA-400 purchase fell through. Apparently, I was not quick enough as someone else snatched up the $2,000 bargain before I could make my offer. However, I did get a CA-300 for $1599, so I think I will still have plenty of power. My current speakers operate at 4 ohms and the Classe I have purchased claims to provide 600 watts continuous into each channel at that resistance. It doesn't bother me to receive criticism for anything I do not yet know. I'm young at 28 years of age. I am using a VPI power conditioner, a Parasound P3 pre-amp, and a Cambridge Audio 640C cd player. I realize that I have alot to learn about upgrades and exploring the 'high-end' which I have not yet heard. My only regret so far in my exploration is purchasing equipment at full price from audio dealers. Had I known about purchasing used equipment from this site, I would likely have a high-end pre-amp and CD player for little more than what I paid for mid-priced gear. Thank you to each of you who provided feedback. Us newbies can only learn from the collective wisdom of those who have been exploring this hobby before we were even old enough to know that there was such a thing out there. I hope to learn more from all of you, and someday I will be offering newbies advice based on things I have learned 'the hard way'.
Hey Fire,
Everyone was new once, and even the "know it all's" do not know it all, most simply offer opinion wich is cool, but be sure to know how to seperate fact from crap.
My father has 5 of those amps you now own driving Legacy focus 20/20 and Legacy HT speakers, they are really good amps. Good to see another new face in Audio and I hope above all you enjoy yourself, try not to get the constant up-grade bug and enjoy MUSIC, have fun and take care