Why do some audiophiles beat up McIntosh?

I've been around audio my entire life. I'm 45 and I bought a decent Technics system when I was 12 with my paper route money. Genesis speakers built in New England which were actually pretty darned good. I would spin vinyl every single day to the point it drive my parents crazy. My buddies father had a McIntosh system that I was in love with and he was allowed to play it. It was haunting for me to hear his fathers system.

Fast forward 28 years later and I'm perplexed at the hatred I see posted online about McIntosh. Is it really that bad or is everyone upset that McIntosh is so successful? It doesn't make sense to me that the resale value is the best in the business yet audiophiles bash them. I personally have always loved their gear and sound. I don't own any, and probably never will. Still, I just don't get it. I've always admired McIntosh. Looks aside, I always enjoyed the music. Can someone tell me that they're junk or do you just not like the presentation?
@Audiolabyrinth, bose and Mcintosh same sentence...really, been there done that....sure you have....and your in a new league now...really and because someone has more dough plowed into a system its better.....you will learn....one day. Just not into equipment slamming...put your system on virtual so I can learn.
Mac get gear has always been at the top of the audiophile brand recognition heep. That makes it the preeminent target even though there is better gear out there, those brands don't have the name recognition that Mac has. It is tough to say your brand is better than a brand no one has heard of.
Mac gear is still a great value at the time of sale and holds it's value as well as any brand.
Still dream fondly of my Mac 240s hooked to a Marantz 7c eminating from a Dual 1219 playing on my Chartwell LS/35as!
While I have owned a McIntosh model 78 tuner which I got on a trade for my Marantz 10B and thought it was okay, I have never had any interest in McIntosh equipment. I remember involvement with guys selling McIntosh new speakers going to the hotel at CES and hearing their raves. I can remember they were on the uooer floor in the Alexis Park. I sought them out. I walked in heard their sound briefly and walked out.

What is really interesting about is not hatred by others, but rather how did they ever get a good reputation? They are much like Bose, IMHO.
Don't worry about McIntosh, Spectral is sonically inferior, but no one wants to realize. Blue meters count :-)