looking for best speakers to match with small 25w


Looking for the best speakers to match a 25watt tube amplifier.
Price up to $4000 new or used.

Looking for speed, resolution and tight/fast bottom end.
Do not like forward sounding speakers so do speak.
Looks are important so the finish plays a small role.
Any suggestions please...........
40Hz give or take is enough for me, not a 20Hz guy.
Must be efficient to do the trick.

If there are any questions, please feel free to ask

Thank you
check out tyler acoustic speaker website. their speakers can be played with both tubes and solid state. the owners name is ty lashbrook. call him, he is great to talk with . i own two of his speakers the woodmeres and the linbrook signature monitors/w/stands. save big money comapered to what others ask. to me they are the best speakers i have owned.
www.tyleracoustics.com you can find him on this site as well. the sound you are describing is exactly what you will get with his line of speakers. i highly recommend them to everyone who asks about new or even used speakers. his entire line and company was given best at show from robert e. greene of the absolute sound at the last ces 2005 show. very rare a magazine recommends a factory direct company.

"25 watt tube amplifier" and "tight/fast bottom end" are generally mutually exclusive.

I love tube amps (and use tube monoblocks in my main system), but aside from the megabuck ones, the bottom end most tube amps produce, regardless of the speaker, will be neither tight nor fast, especially if they put out only 25 watts (at least not compared to a decent solid-state amp).
MM de Capo i by REFERENCE 3A are really nice speakers and will do the trick. If my amp was smaller, I would probably own them.

You could also check out some JM Lab Micro Utopias BE. Not a bad way to spend $4k.

it depends on the amp. as a generalization, a 25wpc tube amp will probably be a good fit with a rather 'forward' horn or one of the above mentioned speakers. the more mellow/laidback stuff tends to love ss and big watts