Why do some audiophiles beat up McIntosh?

I've been around audio my entire life. I'm 45 and I bought a decent Technics system when I was 12 with my paper route money. Genesis speakers built in New England which were actually pretty darned good. I would spin vinyl every single day to the point it drive my parents crazy. My buddies father had a McIntosh system that I was in love with and he was allowed to play it. It was haunting for me to hear his fathers system.

Fast forward 28 years later and I'm perplexed at the hatred I see posted online about McIntosh. Is it really that bad or is everyone upset that McIntosh is so successful? It doesn't make sense to me that the resale value is the best in the business yet audiophiles bash them. I personally have always loved their gear and sound. I don't own any, and probably never will. Still, I just don't get it. I've always admired McIntosh. Looks aside, I always enjoyed the music. Can someone tell me that they're junk or do you just not like the presentation?
Don't worry about McIntosh, Spectral is sonically inferior, but no one wants to realize. Blue meters count :-)
I took a musical appreciation class in college at a small liberal arts college. The class was in an acoustically treated room with McIntosh gear. I can't tell you the speakers or what gear specifically but I can say it is one the nicest sounding systems I have ever heard. I would love to have a system that sounded as good as that system did.
Ive heard a lot of Mc gear and I love it. Granted sound quality is subjective. Some times audiophiles can be as knowledgeable as they are ignorant when lending their approval towards other gear. I see many attitudes like this and they play out the same, "well I have X gear so that's all I like and that's the best". Or a sales man at hifi superstore sold me on this so its the best. Or the best one is, "I cant afford that soo its not that good anyway". Some of the best tube gear Ive ever heard was from Mc. I'm sure someone may chime in and say that I must have not have heard the "truely good" tube gear but that's all bs, Ive heard Lots of tube stuff. McIntosh makes good stuff, love them or hate them they are a competitor and the nonsense someone posted about how 95% of the stuff out there is better, is just ridiculous, and untrue. Mc is up there with the best in my opinion.
It is the isolation transformers that are in most McIntosh components. They make the sound perhaps musical and listenable but not involving and real. Other than the model 78 tuner which I got in a trade, I was never tempted by any of their gear. I had a friend who had one example of everything made by McIntosh. He had one on every step of his stairs to the second floor and on shelves in the bedrooms on the second floor. I never heard him listening to anything.