looking for best speakers to match with small 25w


Looking for the best speakers to match a 25watt tube amplifier.
Price up to $4000 new or used.

Looking for speed, resolution and tight/fast bottom end.
Do not like forward sounding speakers so do speak.
Looks are important so the finish plays a small role.
Any suggestions please...........
40Hz give or take is enough for me, not a 20Hz guy.
Must be efficient to do the trick.

If there are any questions, please feel free to ask

Thank you
I have to disagree with most of what has been suggested. But, to be fair, it's not so easy to meet the requirements put forth by Rapogee.

Most of these speakers are quite sensitive, yes. And, some are even tight in the lower end. But, he also states he doesn't like forward sounding speakers, and most of what I see here definitely fall into that category. That seems to be the case with more sensitive speakers in my opinion.
I parted with my trentes as well ...

I now have a pair of Tonian acoustic monitors
Very similar to the trentes only faster and much more musical ..if that's at all possible

To my ears they are natural sounding and very realistic

overall i'm quite impressed

The Trentes are supremly musical and not the slightest bit forward or bright and also extremely forgiving and detailed beyond belief. They offer a very well balanced sound going down to about 45 hz and ignore their 88db rating they lit up with my 18 wpc Soro SE amp.


I have not heard of the Tonian speakers but all the best to you and what you land with... I may finally be settling down on my stereo adventures but find it hard to give up the 'gon' :)
Philjolet, I'd gladly tip my hat to you if I gave them a listen and found myself in agreement with your perspective. They would certainly win my recommendation without hesitation. For now, I'll just give you the benefit of the doubt...

Though my experience shows scant few efficient loudspeakers that are on the relaxed side of the fence, I'm coming to terms with the opinion that room, amplifier, and cabling has perhaps much to do with the speakers sounding forward or not. Still, I say what I say from an "all things being equal" stance.

I want to acknowledge you bring up a stellar point in that the numbers game in terms of sensitivity and impedance curves should often be tossed out in favor of how things work in the real world. A lot of speakers are way too optimistic, and many a match is found in not reading ad copy but in listening.
In answer to there being few efficient speakers on the relaxed side of the fence, try the Living Voice Auditorium range range. They are detailed, musical, but certainly relaxed, too much so for many people. They are not immediately striking, but non fatiguing in the long term. I have been caught before, being struck by a dynamic piece of kit, I ultmately could'nt live with i.e Naim CD players. Nothing wrong with them, just not my long term cup of tea.
My Living Voice Avatars sound great with a 17 watt 845 SET integrated. If I did move on, I find the Coincident range a good home for tube lovers.