Tbg, yes Mcintosh does make solid state with autoformers. The original solid state Mcintosh amp that I purchased was brand new, it was a direct coupled design. Decided a few days later I wanted the more expensive Mac with autoformers so I was able to trade up and compare the two designs. As mentioned earlier the design with autoformers had a more fuller midrange and the highs were much more refined. But again the bass wasn't as tight and well defined as the direct coupled amp.
By the way I tried to contact you on the other thread and on the website that you directed me to but when I clicked on your name it brought up Outlook Express and wanted me to set up that account with ipp numbers that I didn't know off hand so I quit. My email address is phdunn544@gmail.com
By the way I tried to contact you on the other thread and on the website that you directed me to but when I clicked on your name it brought up Outlook Express and wanted me to set up that account with ipp numbers that I didn't know off hand so I quit. My email address is phdunn544@gmail.com