B&W DM220's - worth anything or 'give away'?

I have a set of B&W DM202's that I bought new in 1986. They are mint, but they are definitely old stuff. I just bought a set of 703's and want to get rid of the 220's... turns out there are non listed on this site and it seems there isn't really a market for them anymore.

What to do? I've kept them for so long thinking that they were worthy of having... but now I guess they're last decades news.

Anyone have a suggestion?
Did you try listing them here ? I've bought a few things on this site for under $100 for other systems. Give it a try ... there's often a buyer for anything, and there's nothing better than recycling.
Take a nice photo and put them on eBay. You'll get more than you think....

Do you have the 220's or 202's ??

4 Pairs of 220's sold on eBay in the last month. The highest went for $202.50
Sorry, my point wasn't that they were not worth more than $100, just that Audiogon serves as a good place for selling lower price stuff as well as the mega buck equipment.