Speaker Sugestions Wanted $1500 max

Just for some backround, I am 15-years-old and in love with audio. My current system includes Klipsch RF-3's, Shanling Stp-80 (35 wpc 4,8 ohm taps), Crapy cd player ( to be upgraded), turntable sold (had yamaha px-3) but thinking of a vpi in the near future, hk430 (using only tuner)

Now for the point. I am intresting in getting new speakers, I like my RF-3's but there are somthings I dislike. First off the highs are a little shrill and fatiging. The build quility isn't very nice. And I just feel its time for an upgrade, and I feel for $1500 I can woop the pants off my current speakers.

I Listen to Rock and vocal/ small band jazz, at moderate levels. I need speakers that will work well with my new shanling stp-80. It can easily drive my klipsch and looking for the same. I need bass so if your going to sugest monitors a sub, stands, and the speaker will have to be avalible for my $1500 max budget, even though the less I spend the rest will go towards more music. I would like to have a floorstander, just for the bigger sound and bass, but I am open to anything really. I would rather have used, for the bang for the buck option.

I also don't want a laid back "polite" speaker. I want something that is dynamic and live sounding.

Get the 6.9 at Norh.com.I think they are $950 and
use the extra money to buy nice siltech ic,and
rewire them inside.Believe me, this speakers are
competing with 5k speakers,after rewire.Good Luck.
I have a parts conexion level 2 stp 80 and have tried a set of vs vr1, totem arros, and now meadowlark kestrel 2 and would have to say that the kestrels have the best combinatin of dynamics and air..my room is small 10x10 so i am always fighting the standing waves and frequency suckout promlems..i added a dayton 10 sub to the kestrels and cross it over at 40hz and this is the best combo yet....just adds the ambience back in as much as anything...the kestrels are solid wood and are a steal in todays used market...the finish is superb
Vienna Acoustics Haydn Grand. Gorgeous build and finish, excellent sound, and goes very well with tubes.
are vandersteen model 2--whatever version too big ??

it's fairly balanced and has bass.

there's an eminent technology book shelf speaker for around $980, i think it's the lft 14. check with the company regarding power requirements. considering the siez of the room, you may be ok.