I'm sad to say that Mike is right for the most part about a bum being a bum.
About the $325,000 speakers, I would say that there is some sort of value continuum that guides all of our thinking. The conspicuous consumer would likely buy these to be conspicuous but I submit that the true music lover might put $25K into a spectacular sound system and then lay the $300K into going to live music events around the world. How many could you attend and how long would that last? I think I could drag that out for maybe 5 years.
Those speakers have to be a quarter of a million dollars past the diminishing returns line.
About the $325,000 speakers, I would say that there is some sort of value continuum that guides all of our thinking. The conspicuous consumer would likely buy these to be conspicuous but I submit that the true music lover might put $25K into a spectacular sound system and then lay the $300K into going to live music events around the world. How many could you attend and how long would that last? I think I could drag that out for maybe 5 years.
Those speakers have to be a quarter of a million dollars past the diminishing returns line.