FWIW, after years and years of searching, I have finally achieved audio satisfaction (yes, the S word!) with a pair of Intuitive Design Summits and their stands, paired with a Rel Storm 3 sub bass unit. I do plan to do a review, but want to do a thorough job, so I plan additional listening prior to writing it. These are probably the very best speakers I have ever personally heard, supplanting the old, three box version of the Audio Physic Caldera (which was around $20,000). The Summits retail for about 3500 plus about 1500 for the stands, and even though that's a lot in absolute terms, relative to their near perfect sound, they actually seem underpriced (and I am NOT the kind of person who normally says that sort of thing, believe me!). More people should know about these.
Disclaimer: NONE! I am a consumer only, and have no financial interest whatsoever in these. I own a pair, and am extremely elated with them. That's IT.
Disclaimer: NONE! I am a consumer only, and have no financial interest whatsoever in these. I own a pair, and am extremely elated with them. That's IT.