Thiel CS 1.6 vs ProAc vs ?

I'm planning to upgrade my system:
Jolida JD-100 CDP (recently purchased), Conrad-Johnson PV12 pre-amp, Aragon 4004 MkII. I would like a speaker that will be resonably neutral but involving, with very good resolution and imaging. I listen mainly to old rock and pop, various genres of current vocal, and classical (symphonic) music.
Vandersteen 2Ce Signature or 3a Signature. Please audition these before purchasing anything else. They will provide all you seek from your description.
Thanks for your comments and recommendations. I'm encouraged, going in a different direction, considering one the Spendor Se speakers. I would be most interested in hearing from Spendor users, regarding their recommendations of the S5e, S6e, and S8e, given my room size and electronics.
To Tomryan:

I just received my Spendor S5e speakers this week. Right out of the box they're impressive. Compared to my Thiel CS 1.2's, they strike me as much more well balanced and with plenty of resolving ability. What I have so far been surprised by is their bass rendition, an unexpected plus for a speaker this size.

Thanks again. This is much more of what I was looking (listening) for.
