Budget Amp for Avalon Eidolon

I noticed here a few conversations already about Avalon Eidolon and best matching amp. It appeared Eidolon sounds best with CAT and Jadis. But I can't afford to buy Eidolon and recommended amp electronics.

Could you please let me know if you had a good experience with 'down to earth' amps with Avalon Eidolon.

My current system is

Meridian 508.24,ARC LS15 Preamp,ARC VT100 MkII, Proac2.5, interconnect(XLR)\speaker cable - NBS Master III, Svetlana valves.

I was considering
1) change only speakers
2) change ARC VT100 for more powerful Mcintosh (don't know which one yet. I found suggestion to bridge MC275 and get 150W per channel.
3)change ARC VT100 for Electrocompaniet AW120 ( Nice SS amp can produce 200W into 4oms)
4)change VT100 for Gamut D200 MkIII ?
5)change VT100 for Ayre V-1xe ?

What are your suggestions?

Please write only if you had an experience with Avalon Eidolon and 'down to earth amps' (under US$10000)
My buddy uses the Lamm M2.2s (220 wpc) with his Eidolons, and they sound incredible. They have tight, authoritative bass response; great treble extension and treble decay that is unbelievable; and just a touch of that tube magic in the mid-range. (Vocals sound especially impressive!)

(They sound better than any other amps he has owned, including the VTL MB-450s, Manley Neoclassic 250s, Classe CA-401 and the Rowland 501s. Yeah, he was searching for a long time for the right amps. He says he is done searching now.)

You "might" be able to find a used pair of M2.2s for around $10K, but they are really new, so the price might still be up a little above that. However, you should be able to find their predecessors, the M2.1s (200 wpc) for around $7K. These sound very, very similar to the M2.2s.

I use the M2.1s with my Revel Studios, and they have really opened my eyes as to what a fine set of amps can do.

Good Luck in your search!
You have really good speakers currently, and for 10K I'd look at replacing your ARC front end with Ayre before going up to the Eidolons. Of the amps you've listed, the Ayre V-1 is far and away the most musical and best sounding IMO. Next, unless you are really happy with your LS15, the Ayre K-5x is much better sounding to my ears. You should be able to sell your ARC equipment for a little over $3K, and buy the V-1 and K-5 for around $7K, costing you $4K total.

And you will hear a noticeable improvement. I'm not sure what type of music you listen to, or if you require a phono stage, but you'd be amazed with how good your speakers sounded if you went that route.
The Rowland 302, which can be had used for under $9000 is a great match as well.