Is Martin Logan goin to Big Box stores?

I may be wrong but I think I saw a post that made me think ML is gonna be at Best this so?
The new cheap line of ML products is well represented in Tweeter and Magnolia. The line sucks but has the ML logo and fits nicely on the wall. On a store-by-store basis some are able to carry the higher end products. While some individual stores do have staf with teh appropriate background to sell the higher end line most do not. These stores often end up selling the Aeon or Ascent along with a Denon receiver (which promptly blows up or shuts down).

Other manufacturers have in the past, and are doing the same now. Coast on name recognition into mediocrity. Strike while the iron is hot and cash in on your success now audio manufacturers. Quality what?
That would be the kiss of death. Have you seen what the merger with Chrysler did to Mercedes? Have you seen the two horrible new models: one looks like a van, the other like a Mazda 3? I thought people realized that cheapening the brand is what, in great part, caused the demise of Packard.
More distribution could be a good thing.

It does not have to cheapen brands.

Cheapening products has a bigger impact on cheapening brands.

Although perhaps the two usually go hand in hand.