Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?

There's almost no consumer impressions of this amp on the internet... but the 6moons review is intriguing.
Whats other projects does this company have rumored coming out? Preamp? Integrated? And when? Alot of buzz about this company. From reading the personal comments the Job sound or tonal quality seems to be alot like Ayre. Transparent,yet not sterile sounding.
From the website:

More New Jobs are coming

We continue working on new JOB models for 2014, including a preamplifier simple solution, a mono amp more powerful and maybe even a phono stage.... Please keep visiting this website for more information
Preamp next and probably by mid year.

No plans for Mono-blocs when I last asked a month ago or so.

I would love to see an integrated with basic remote...