Two Tonearm Turntable: Need Suggestions

I know of the Thorens Prestige turntable that has two tonearms. But, what else is available? I want 33 1/3, 45 and 78 rpm with pitch control.
The Platine comes with 2 armboards as standard. The motor is normally only 2 speed. However, Graham Tricker at GT Audio in the UK does a bespoke battery PSU for the Platine. He is not averse to bespoke electronics, so he might well be able to adapt his PSU to run three speeds. Check his website - - or email him on

PS he also does Schroeder arms and Allaerts carts and he will ship worldwide.
There's always the Thorens Reference, EMT 927F or alternatively a Garrard 301/401 with one of our multi arm plinths. These your best bets for sonics and flexibility at any speed!
Damoka, when you say "one of our multi arm plinths", who do you mean my "our"? Thanks
The Galibier Quatro can be configured with two tonearms as well. I know that they have been working on a change in the motor contoller to allow for the 78 speed. I am not sure where they are with that but I am sure they can let you know.
Dear Demenagh: The best you can do is to go for: Technics
SP 10MK2 or MK3 ( 331/3, 45, 78 rpm and pitch control ). Buy it with out base and you can send to manufactured the base for two/three tonearms of your choice ( no modifications need it ).
These are exellent TT by any standard.
Regards and enjoy the music.