No buzz. No sound. No distortion. No color.
Listen the Sweetcord is a good cable but I will tell you putting a Stage. 3 or better yet a Dynamic Design Heritage AC cable on it will make you very happy. You can get the DD Heritage for $900.00 as I did and it transformed the amp into a liquid - full images and dynamic sounding amp that goes way beyond the Sweetpee cable. Are you listening to me boys and girls??
$900.00 and your little Job 225 will eat those big A$$ $20K amps :)
Listen the Sweetcord is a good cable but I will tell you putting a Stage. 3 or better yet a Dynamic Design Heritage AC cable on it will make you very happy. You can get the DD Heritage for $900.00 as I did and it transformed the amp into a liquid - full images and dynamic sounding amp that goes way beyond the Sweetpee cable. Are you listening to me boys and girls??
$900.00 and your little Job 225 will eat those big A$$ $20K amps :)