A question for the Pro's in setting up analog good

I purchased a Musical surroundings Phono Amp and a Music Hall MMF7 Table and arm which are on stereophiles list and also have pretty good private praise from audiogon and other sources, the combo has not been set up yet...

Question 1= I have a 47k rated cartridge of the MM variety, my phono amp is adjustable but should I set it at the 40k or 50k? I do not believe it is capable of doing exactly 47k....

Question 2= the cartridge is 1.5g recommended tracking weight... So should I experiment and go heavier to like 2g? what will the rule of thumb be, higher weight = better bass or what is the supposed effect?

Question 3(maybe)= Also, I have never had a table to know what VTA is? I guess it adjusts the height of the entire arm, so what is the goal with this adjustment, to get it parallel as possible while actually playing the LP? what effects will occur moving it up and down? (again for example better bass, worse bass, tradeoffs?)

I do have a shure stylus gauge and used it to set up a temporary table before the new purchases, with your basic alignment mirror for the whole cartridge setup and do know how to use them pretty well, I actually got the temp table sounding good and working perfectly no skips or anything, so now I just would like a decent understanding of what is gonna happen adjusting the parameter one way or the other and there effects, just in case It sounds like I am lacking in something what will correct it if you know what I mean. Like if the Bass is weak is more weight on the cart. the answer by going up a 1/4g, or changing the impeadance in the phono amp down to 40k vs. 50k going to fix it?

The phono amp does have gain adjustment too, but I know pretty much how that will work and this one is very good at the 40db setting as it sits.

Thanks and sorry for a long post
Hi, I would just like to ad this, with VTA normally if the tonearm is raised too high the sound will be bright and bass weak, if it's too low the sound will be dull and a tad bass heavy. You may also want to pick up a cartalign tool for adjustment of the tonearm. Hope this helps. I would start with the stylus parallel to the record, this should be pretty close.
I talked with Walker via your link, and his best advice(the guy on the phone) is to set the table at 1.5 vtf and go parallel with the VTA to the cart. and table if that is the tables recommended manual spec, let it play for a whole album, then adjust the Vta UP a little at a time playing the same track over and over till you hear the bass start to lose a little, then at that point back the Vta down slightly back to before you heard the bass suffer, then go about .1 vtf Heavier to get a little deeper bass back again possibly and keep going up .1 to see if it will get even more and more bass and snap further into focus overall, then when you go to far you will know and back it down again to the last setting, but if you go .3 or so up then it would be best to do the VTA again to fine tweak it, but if not going more than a notch or so on the tracking weight you will be very close to its best and leave the VTA alone, but I also asked about the MM vs. MC debate with VTA not haveing much effect on MM, but he believes it could still have its benifits to treat it this way as with an MC... I get it more or less but it will obviously take a good hour plus to tune it by ear further this way, we will see....
I have a plethora of turntable setup links hanging off of the support page on my website.

Go to the "Arm and Cartridge Setup" section on this page:


Also, check there for links to brilliant articles by both John Chapman (Bent Audio) and Jim Hagerman about cartridge loading.

About cartridge loading, the short answer is if you have an MM cartridge, get close to 47K and be done. With an MC cartridge, read the above articles.
