Budget speakers for Orchestral music?

I'm looking for an efficient speaker (at least 90db) that works well with tubes and is ideal for classical music, from solo piano to large orchestral works. Oh, and they need to be under $1000, used or new. Any suggestions? What interests me is a lush midrange, I was considering Thiel CS-1.5's, but my amp is underpowered for them. Any other ideas?
I would think Spica Angelus would be quite good, if you can live with the looks.
I'm interested to see the responses here, but if you're really into orchestral, my guess is that the answer is... NO SUCH THING. I've never really heard any convincing reproduction of orchestral music. But the closest systems I've heard were $$$$$.
I saw Kef 105 going for $500 to $650 used, here at
agon,I think they are 90db.I could be wrong.