Many people who consider aftermarket AC cords snake oil are those that cannot (or will not) justify the difference the investment makes.
If that is the argument, I am in complete agrement. Many tweaks in high end audio are a poor value when compared to better speakers or improving the source.
However, once a system contains all the best components, with very little left to be accomplished, aftermarket AC cords as well as other premium tweaks can make a significant improvement.
As stated countless times in these forums, LONG TERM LISTENING is the only way to determine if your system is right for you musically. Short listening sessions tend to confuse and do little to establish if the change provides long term satisfaction.
Best to get a test cord, install it on a piece in your system that is MOST likely to benefit, usually the amp or source. Then, over time determine if that provides better sound. Best to listen for a week, then swap back to the original cord and see if you "miss" the upgrade.
Be honest with yourself and don't be concerned with what you think your going to hear or what anyone else has told you.
If in the end your system does not provide better performance with that aftermarket cord, replace it with another and do the test again, or put the stock cord back in the system and forget about it.
In my system the results are so drastic that a single pass between two cords is all that is required. I have however, sat in front of systems that responded very poorly or not at all. It's like everything else in life, you have to work at it to determine the answer.
Also, this is from the web site you linked to, appears they had concerns about the validity of the test due to time constraints, same as I suggested (above).
I suggest you test this in your own system and forget about what other write, including myself.
If that is the argument, I am in complete agrement. Many tweaks in high end audio are a poor value when compared to better speakers or improving the source.
However, once a system contains all the best components, with very little left to be accomplished, aftermarket AC cords as well as other premium tweaks can make a significant improvement.
As stated countless times in these forums, LONG TERM LISTENING is the only way to determine if your system is right for you musically. Short listening sessions tend to confuse and do little to establish if the change provides long term satisfaction.
Best to get a test cord, install it on a piece in your system that is MOST likely to benefit, usually the amp or source. Then, over time determine if that provides better sound. Best to listen for a week, then swap back to the original cord and see if you "miss" the upgrade.
Be honest with yourself and don't be concerned with what you think your going to hear or what anyone else has told you.
If in the end your system does not provide better performance with that aftermarket cord, replace it with another and do the test again, or put the stock cord back in the system and forget about it.
In my system the results are so drastic that a single pass between two cords is all that is required. I have however, sat in front of systems that responded very poorly or not at all. It's like everything else in life, you have to work at it to determine the answer.
Also, this is from the web site you linked to, appears they had concerns about the validity of the test due to time constraints, same as I suggested (above).
There were several acknowledged weaknesses to the test. The number of participants and trials was not very high. Most people sat far from the sweet spot. The ideal situation, which would have allowed participants to audition A and B more than once before trying to identify X, was not possible because the length of time it would have taken to do so would have burned everyone out. (Many members of the second group said they were fried by the time 3:30 PM rolled around.) Switchers failed to turn on both amps three times, and Baci Brown of canine renown further interrupted the flow twice with scratching and barking at outside sounds and a perceived need to pee it all out in the yard. Finally, and perhaps of greatest significance, the time it took to switch cords was longer than the generally accepted 5 second length of human auditory memory. This reduced what Manny terms the differential sharpness of perception of participants.
There is, of course, no way to know if a maximum 5 second delay between auditioning A, B, and X would have made a statistical difference. In fact, there is no way to know if we would have scored better if every possible scenario we could think of was exactly as we wished it to be in the best of all possible worlds.
I suggest you test this in your own system and forget about what other write, including myself.