For my ears there is a very audible difference in power cords. At least from the ones I've heard for long periods of time. I do not understand the data Sean grooves on, but I know it is significant to him as well as other audiophools. For me, it always comes down to my tympanics. I trust them and they never steer me wrong. I also agreee with Albert. Short listening experiences (at least for me, depending of course on what I'm listening to) are poor justification to come to a sound conclusion. Longer listening periods are the deal. What sounds wonderful to me at first, over the longer audio haul, does not always hold up, especially after listening to oodles of music. I heard the differences immediately when I upgraded my ICs and power cords, but those differences may not have held up after longer listening. In this case, they did. It is hard not to be influenced by ads, other audiophools, and the stereo rags. Over time, however, the ole ears will hear the truth. peace, warren