Has any one heard Magico Speakers?

Word of buzz quite strong, 6 moons preview points to something quite interesting...any one have 1st had exp?
Regarding the Mini,I had a nice conversation with Jeff Rowland recently.We were discussing the "power factor correction" circuit he was designing for my two chassis 8t.I asked him what speakers he liked,these days,and what was he using,for himself.He told me he had two pairs of the Magico Mini speakers.He went on to state that he "loved" the look on people's faces after they hear them.Mentioning they stage HUGE,and in his opinion,are fabulous!
A pretty convincing endorsement!

I have auditioned them twice, at the dealership. Both times, I was very impressed indeed. However, my listening room dimensions requires close to but not quite nearfield listening, and when I experimented by moving the chair to an equivalent distance, the Minis continued to be brilliant yet the axis was a bit high for me.
Wslam: I agree that $20k is not out of reach for everyone and would not classify any high end audio product as obscene. I may be picking up another "stand mount" line discussed here in the speaker forum that is also near the $20k price point. As I mentioned, I do have on display a $25k speaker now.
The Magico speakers are not in the cards at the moment but you never know what the future, even near future, may bring.

what kind of distance are you talking about?
note that the the ring revelator are meant to be listened to slightly off axis. if you pt them directly at you in an eq triangle, they will sound 'hot'

and bill, at the 20k range, the MM deserves a listen by any demanding music lover. you will be doing a great service to your cusomters by bringing them in! =)
the distance is approx 5.5 feet only but its not so much too near or hot sounding its the height: a bit too tall with their stands for my room length AND couch (the latter which will not chg WAF etc).