Forget markup, forget profit margin. Just ask yourself this
"Do these speakers give me the best possible sound for the money ?
Am I prepared to spend this much on a pair of speakers ?"
If you answer yes to both then buy them. If no to either then don't buy them.
In summary buy the best speakers you hear within a budget that is acceptable to you.
In all lines of business you can ask for a discount and the retailer or manufacturer can offer a discount. There's no point getting upset if the offered discount isn't what you expect. Just walk away and explore other avenues.
"Do these speakers give me the best possible sound for the money ?
Am I prepared to spend this much on a pair of speakers ?"
If you answer yes to both then buy them. If no to either then don't buy them.
In summary buy the best speakers you hear within a budget that is acceptable to you.
In all lines of business you can ask for a discount and the retailer or manufacturer can offer a discount. There's no point getting upset if the offered discount isn't what you expect. Just walk away and explore other avenues.