I second Lukestr. I have had Sound Lab A-1's, Quad 63 and numerous box speakers. Never has a speaker changed my enjoyment of recorded music like my Trios. They should call Horn speakers "Dynamic" speakers because that is what they do to music. They put the dynamics back in both micro and macro. To me without the dynamics music seems like a 2 dimensional picture and planar speakers can paint the most vivid 2D picture of all. Super high resolution like the finest camera can take but loss of the dynamics. I'd much rather accept some distortion in that picture to be able to see it in 3 dimensions. It's like taking a picture out your window and comparing it to looking through the window. Even if the window is slightly dirty the 3D view is better than the 2D view with the window open.
The dynamics of music are the wow factor yet some people are willing to give that up for tonal accuracy. We each have to pick what turns us on. I only wish I had checked out horns 25 years ago.
The dynamics of music are the wow factor yet some people are willing to give that up for tonal accuracy. We each have to pick what turns us on. I only wish I had checked out horns 25 years ago.