Rogers LS35A - Stradivarius? Or Sentimental Hype?

I remember these from my audiophile youth and thought that they sounded quite good, if a bit thin.

In any case, I always thought they would make a nice monitor for a smaller room or bedroom, but then I am always shocked at the resale prices, especially for very good ones.

As I write, there is a pair on ebay which is already bid up to GBP 1,000 which I am pretty sure is a lot more than they cost new?!

So my question - what is so special about this monitor in its original configuration?

Do the best mini monitors today give these a good run for their money -- especially in the area of midrange magic?

If they really are so wonderful, why doesnt someone knock them off in China for a fraction of the price?

Are these really a big deal, or are collectors just being irrational?
The LS3/5A at $1000. for a used pair is a rip-off when you know how much they sold for when new.That is like charging $800.00 for a used NAD 3020 of the same vintage and it too is considered a classic by many. The Japanese perhaps have cornered the market to make them rare on the used market and then sell them back to us for a huge profit aka Mac tube gear.The Rogers only performed well in small rooms and reproduced a detailed but smaller than life sized replica of instruments and sounded best with tube gear.I would check out the new Spendors first.

I have a pair of Rogers LS/5As that I purchased around 1984, which are in essence in storage not being used. I have just started researching speakers, and trying to understand the technology about which I know little. While I used to have a rather powerful amp and a subwooger, I am currently thinking about purchasing a smaller inexpensive system (DVD/CD) and considering how I might be able utilize these speakers. Unfortunately I do not have the resources I once did.

My understanding from my reading is that apparently the crossovers of the Rogers have been modified to allow less power to drive them.


What can be done with these to upgrade/refurbish these?
Is there anyone in the U.S. that you could reccomend that may be able to accomplish this ?
Can you reccomend a budget level smaller subwoofer that may go well with these, if I refurbish these?
Thank you so much for your time in answering this email.

All the best,


What electronics in your view give the full Stradivarius experience?

And do we know why a Stradivarius is a Stradivarius? The body of the instrument?

In the case of the Rogers, why cant we knock them off in China? Is the magic in the boxes? The drivers? The crossovers?

I am intrigued by your answer, but I still dont get it.
LS3/5a utilizes a very complex crossover designed to BBC spec (LS3/5a is the name of technical spec) for studio monitor - the x-over looks like a small amp. Also, the Rogers' cabinetry and drivers are all very high quality. Electronics should be tube type, around 15-50 watts. If I were to get some LS35a's (and I think about it from time to time, trust me; I had two pairs of Rogers previously, before Quads and Fultons) I would get the ones with special outboard x-overs and special cabinets currently made in UK (I think).