$2000 is too much to spend for speakers for a bedroom system, given that you will be listening while lying straight out in bed. I have had to go with near rear wall placement and have found that acoustic suspension/sealed box speakers work out best. I am using NHT SB2's, happily for the last year and a half, after trying out quite a few small monitors (EPOS 11 & ELS3; B&W 302; Wharfedale Diamond 8.1). The NHT's will give you all the qualities that you are looking for and sound very good when played low. The NHT SB2s, which list for $400, are being discontinued and are available for about $275 from Audio Advisor. Don't let the price throw you ... the NHT's are a very fine performing, serious speaker.
Components that work well with the NHT SB2's are ... NAD C320BEE with a Music Hall CD25 CD player (total system cost: $1200) or a Prima Luna Prologue Two with a Music Hall CD25 CD player (total system cost $2200).
Regards, Rich