Do we still need 6550 or KT88 tubes?

I would like to learn your opinion and experience with KT120 tubes.

Considering that KT120 match 6550 or KT88 based amp (is a direct replacement), how do you like the sound of KT120?
Do we still need 6550 or KT88 tubes?
Do we still need to pay for NOS power tubes?

BTW at the moment a KT150 tube is announced. Should be even better than KT120 and could be interesting upgrade for current KT120 owners.
08-24-13: Reynolds853
Yes, we still need the other tubes. I tried KT120 tubes in my system and they sounded terrible compared to the Gold Lion KT88s. The bass was overpowering, the highs not as extended, the soundstage not as extended in any dimension, they were not as clear... Basically, I thought they sucked.
Reynolds853 (Threads | Answers | This Thread)
What's the amp? KT120 is NOT a replacement for all KT88/6550 amps so have to be careful.

GL KT88 sounds fantastic and much better than all the 6550 I rolled but NOT reliable. They always take out resistors after blowing. Soldering is simple but got tired removing 45+ screws on a 110#+ mono so back to SS. Winter is coming so looking for amps design for KT120 or KT150. So far I've only heard positive comments from owners and respected designers I've spoken too.
I second Knghifi's observation about those so-called GL KT88 reissues. They sound good but damn do they fail often and when they fail they fail with nasty shorts.
It seems the number of people dissatisfied with KT 120s is up to 3. It's a mounting wave of dissatisafaction.
Mikha65, thanks, I'm glad to hear there's another option for the VT100. I had been told the 120 would not work because of the horizontal orientation of the tubes.