Room setup...diagonal or standard and how to treat

Hello, I have a room that is 14 X 16 with 8' ceilings. I use Dynaudio C1 speakers and Mac and Esoteric gear on a 5 shelf rack, sitting beside a 36" TV. This is a room for both myself and my family. Here's the this 14 X 16' half of one of the 16' walls opens into the dining room and there is also a doorway along the rt rear of the 14' wall.

! 14' (a) >> !
dedicated !
opening to lines !
dining rm. !
<< \
16'(a) ! 16'(b)
! !
! / 8' ceilings
! !
! !
! !
! doorway !
!____________14'(b)__________ _!

My question is....what is the best way to set up my system. Diagonal? Along the 14' wall (a) to take advantage of the dedicated lines placement? I seem to have lost bass and brought more upper detail to my soundstage when I recently tried diagonal facing out from the dedicated lines corner. The opening to the dining room is a problem I assume and wonder how best to minimize its effect. Lastly, what type of room treatment would you use and where after there's a concensus on the room setup. Thank you all for your generous time.
Diagonal setup can be great from the audio viewpoint, but is rarely even attempted. WAF you know.

First I think you are being very smart by looking into acoustic treatment.

I would recommend a diagonal setup because you almost have square dimensions. This will give you the best results (I know from experience). However, it is a trial and error process since you won't find a lot of information about it compared to the typical placement.

You can go to Michael Green Audio, Eighth Nerve, or others (or DIY) and get a floor stander to put in the space where it opens up to the dining area. This will simulate a wall and will help give a better soundstage.

I can't validate the results, but here is a link to an article by Steve Deckert of Decware concerning diagonal room placement.

Go to the Decware site at:

Click on "My Room" then scroll down to "How to set up a room with no treatment". The article is about diagonal room placement.
