BBW: anyone who has transacted with this seller...

Please contact me if you have transacted with this seller or have not yet finalized in the last few months. Particularly if you purchased lis6026c (use URL form of the text below)

apps dot audiogon dot com slash listings slash lis6026c

or listing lis629c8

or any other similar Esoteric and Accuphase ads by him/her before or after that time.

Thank you.....
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xzephyr24069
Thanks for getting in touch there seem to be 2 other userIDs that were also simultaneously suspended this morning; they all seem to be linked by feedback exchanged which was very suspect.
stereoplay is another scamster whose account has just been suspended by Audiogon.
There seem to be a lot of fraudulent sellers out there these days. Buyer Beware.
Thanks JMC....unfortunately these people draw breath on this earth and hurt good, decent and honest people in ways that are hard to recover from. Have a great weekend!