Best isolation cones

Wanting to purchase some new isolation cones for my amp and Oppo 105. See Nordost isolation cones however wondered if they are really worth the extra money or are there any alternatives? One of the things I don't like about Nordost cost is how high they make your unit sit. Also I have seen other isolation components like Vibrapods or Pangea audio Mega feet at a fraction of the price.

Advice please

I've tried all of above, Nordost AC cones worked better under my amp than any. Didn't do much for pre. I have 4 of the BC 's coming and I'm not rich.
Truth be told , I have taken giant hard rubber bouncy balls from the toy store and cut them in a little bean bag weight (from dive store) on top of the unit and WALLA! it works well. That's if you really don't want to spend money on these tweaks. Now, there are a bunch of expensive ball bearing oil cone feet you can get....but you might try the Brass footers from I use these big brass feet under my Manley Jumbo Shrimp and it works very well, also, They don't cost a ton either. I use 3 of them.
Your points are valid Mattmiller.
I can only say The 3 Nordosts replaced 3 large Mapleshade triple-points under my amp and are clearer and with more open soundstage.
Not night and day mind you, but enough for me to order 4 of the next up BC cones. Whether its worth the money is an individual decision, the Mapleshades are good.
I use the Big brass feet not the triple points. also, its for my tube preamp not amp, my amp is way to heavy to put feet under it. just for the info. I would love to play around with a set of those Nordost feet tho.
4 Nordosts will take 200 lbs easy, probably a lot more.
I ordered the BC's for my pre, hope I did right.