One could argue that the "take no quarter, give no quarter" business philosophy is THE best to adhere by, and I certainly understand the viewpoint.
However, we live in the real world. And, as we all know, it's far from perfect.
Further, there is a "right" way to conduct yourself, and I admit THAT is a most subjective thing. One of the first rules of business is to not alienate your customer (unless, of course, it actually improves business - like talk radio). It would be a "nice" thing to do for someone like JA to stop by, and at least meet someone who is taking out that ad space in your magazine. That's how I would run my business, I'd make it a point to visit my advertisers AND all of the other room. I realize reality gets in the way, and there are time limitations, but something could always be worked out.
I hope no one begrudges Larry trying to make a profit in this business. We need more folks like him in the audio world. Just look at his more than generous upgrade offer in that 3rd cover of Stereophile.
In my own selfish way, I want Larry AND Stereophile to do well, as the hobby in general benefits most of us by being a healthy industry. In my own admittedly utopian view, Larry advertises in Stereophile, sells product, continues to advertise, Stereophile can grow, other companies are able to advertise as more and more people are buying audio, they sell, they continue to advertise, and on and on. And, somewhere in that mix, the magazine pays a visit to the CES rooms.
Again, I'm leaving myself open here, and certainly welcome differing and divergent opinions, with the hope that someone also appreciates mine, warts and all.
And, here's hoping Kal gets to review a VPI or that new Marantz TT in 2006, though I probably need to write to Stereophile for that...