Spendor vs. Von Schweikert?

I'm the very happy owner of a pair of Spendor S100's. I bought them new 15 yrs ago. My system's evolved over the yrs from transistor to all-tube and thru it all the Spendor's always sounded rich and musical, very satisfying to my ears. I think that the tweeters may be showing their age (or maybe it's my ears!;) but I've been contemplating a change. I've read so much about the VR4Jr's, I need to audition them somehow, but thought I'd throw the question out there. Anybody familiar with the sound of both these lines? How do they compare?
Chazro. I owned the SP100's for several years and only sold them when I moved the system to a room that couldn't handle their size. I've also auditioned the VR4JR's extensively. I'm always cautious with these types of things because so much is system dependent and much relies on personal preference. For me, it isn't even close. The Spendors were the best speaker I've owned (and I've had quite a few). The VR4JR's strike me as more of an audiophile speaker (i.e. one that images well, does all the hifi theatrics and checks all the boxes but simply does not make music like the Spendor. There's a reason why you've kept them all these years--they are that good. Having said that they are probably showing their age after 15yrs. Depending on room size you could replace with a pair of Harbeth Monitor 40's which are identical size but will sound even better or go with the slightly smaller Harbeth HL5 Super's which will sound better than your Spendors except for the deepest bass. If you like the Spendor sound I do not think the Von Schweikerts will be your cup of tea. They certainly weren't for me.
I disagree - wholeheartedly with Dodgealums assessment/opiniion . The VSR 4jr are very musical speakers. They are all about what is in front of them. Feed them tubes and you will be in heaven. If you consider excellent imaging, first rate detail retreival, realistic vocal reproduction and first class bass 'hifi theatrics' then I am not sure what sound you are looking for. I do not have much experience with the Spendor line but I did audition the Spendor FL9/FL10 extensively before they were replaced/discontinued some time ago and they are good speakers. They were too sweet sounding for me in the end, and I found several other speaker lines with similar priced offerings that were easily more natural sounding. The VSR4Jr are competative to those and IMO better in all respects. I suggest an audition before dismissing them. The Harbeths may be to your liking...I won't comment on those because I only heard them for a few moments at an audio show. But again I suggest you listen to them first. They certainly have a distinctive sound.

good listening.
I've owned a number of Von Schweikert speakers over the years, and have loved each of them. They're very musical speakers that keep getting better with better components. They're one of the very few speakers in my experience that don't have a "ceiling"--i.e., the point at which the electronics become too good for the speaker. I've heard a few Spendor speakers in the last couple of years, but have never owned them. To my ears, they're a little soft at the extremes, but that could well be the equipment they were partnered with when I heard them. The best advice I can offer is to try to listen to both speakers and make up your own mind.
Certainly different speakers have their own sound. I'm a Tannoy user and owned Missions before these. There is a "British" sound although it varies a bit between Spendor, Tannoy, Kef, Harbeth etc. This sound is nothing like the house sound of VS. Apples and oranges. To tell the truth, I liked my 15 year old Mission 70's better than the VR-1's. It's just personal preference. I enjoy the "British" speaker musicality and overall sound. I find speakers like VS unemotional, but that's just me.