Kanye West - Grammy comment, re Beck

Kanye West on-camera last nite: 'Beck needs to respect artistry.' Then a long rant about...ah just watch it.

What would Kanye say about Beethoven? Or Dylan? or Matisse?

Having fun with this as Twitter is aflame already with it. But the more I think about it, the more it gnaws on me. He was referring to Beck winning Album of the Year (instead of Beyonce). I could go on a long rant myself about his ego, general creepiness, but nothing I could add. But his comments are heard by millions of music fans...

Anyhoo, anyone else see those comments? Reactions?
"You people" is an us vs. them signifier used to form distinctions within groups.

One of the hallmarks of rock music is that it offends certain people. Based upon this thread I believe Mr. West to be a true rocker.
I do not think that is why he sell bazillions of his music. That happens because they like his music, not because people are pissed off at it. Please tell 'us'(the signifier)what he is doing right,('something' right?). So if he is trying to . . .?? What does he want pissed off people to do?? After this may your soul be warm and I guess pissed off. That's good right??
What he is doing "right" is pissing off the establishment. Many musicians have done this over the years. Win the hearts of the young by pissing off the elders. You could look at Elvis Pressly, Jerry Lee Lewis, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, etc. They all were highly volitile acts, folks either loved them or hated them.
Not that I think that Kayne West belongs in that group, but that is kind of what he is doing.
Right to the point - he is not a musician. Will we even be mentioning his name in years to come, I hope to hell we are not and especailly along side of the likes that you have mentioned. I understand and realize at my age different generations contibutions to music are always up for discussion ....the golden age of swing and ajzz...the big band era, the sixtiesand the seventies.....disco and metal hair bands in the eighties ...and so on. But this guy......no way !
Will we even be mentioning his name in years to come
That statement would have applied to Ronald Reagan in 1948. One never knows, does one?