Spendor vs. Von Schweikert?

I'm the very happy owner of a pair of Spendor S100's. I bought them new 15 yrs ago. My system's evolved over the yrs from transistor to all-tube and thru it all the Spendor's always sounded rich and musical, very satisfying to my ears. I think that the tweeters may be showing their age (or maybe it's my ears!;) but I've been contemplating a change. I've read so much about the VR4Jr's, I need to audition them somehow, but thought I'd throw the question out there. Anybody familiar with the sound of both these lines? How do they compare?
I have been listening to BC-1s for 25 yrs. and the S-9s for 3 or 4. (The S-9s are better). They have always been, to my ear and by reputation, some of the most musical speakers made. They didn't get that rep over the decades no reason.
Maybe its like buying a Mercedes. It may not be a Ferrari but for living with day in and day out will probably be more satisfying.
I haven't listened to the "Harbeth" line but given they are the same BBC design as BC-1s, they should be good also.

I referred my opinions to my personal musical preferences. May be it is better for other music preference. Rememeber...we are comparing spendors and Von. If Chazro likes Spendors and asking for opinion to move to Von, my posts do make sense. Spendors, Totems and Sonus Faber have very similar genre when it comes to vocals, instruments and musicality....My point is Von does not fit into that genre.


It's very hard to argue with different tastes.

"What is the point in accurate musical re-creation when the listener can not be emotionally involved in the music he is listenng to. Again, this is very personal opinion and can change from individual to individual"

You probably prefer some coloration to help make it musical for you. I don't. I guess it's different taste. I use a very modest tube amp with my VS's and it is as smooth and emotional as I could imagine for the money spent and for my preferences.

Does it mean not only spendors....Sonus Fabers Cremona Auditors, Sonus Faber Grand Piano, Totem Arros, Forests and Mani-2 are all colored speakers too ? (Bcoz I liked them better than even spendors and my preference is for colored sound) In your summation that you provided in the last post...only Von Schweikert is the non colored speaker.


All speakers have coloration. Some more some less. I've stated which I prefer.