Is new Sony TA-A1ES ultimate made affordable ?

With lot's of cutting edge circuits, pseudo class A operation with only a single pair of output devices per channel(less=more), I feel this is a landmark product at $2k price. I am going to buy one in June. What ya think about Sony's return to High End ?
"But I know what Sony can do. To the contrary, this is a very apt choice. It's a non-issue whether or not it's great, how great will be the surprise. Ever have that happen to you?"

Yes, several times. But when I bought the component and listened to it, the concrete that my opinion was cemented it softened up a bit.
It's not available in USA yet, so some measure of research is possible pre purchase.
Carnac returns
The envelope please..............
"It will exceed my expectations but not be released until June 2014"
Post removed 
I have one. It is very high end in looks and sound. Love it. Takes a little time
to adjust the ears to it as it does run more into Class A and that was new
for me but after living with for awhile, the sound is Superb. A major league
player and steal for the price. I just got a Devialet but will definitely hang on
to the Sony which is really impressive sounding. If I ever need to downsize,
the Sony would be my pick. Prob use for second system for now.