It seems thay many of us (including myself) have been a little too caught up in personal attacks/defenses of Wilson speakers. What we really need is an honest first hand assesment of WP 7,Max2,X2 vs high end alternative selling for less-much less. So here is my challenge : I will haul my Wilson Benesch Chimeras ( 20k plain,24k as finished in burled walnut) a reasonable distance from my home near Atlanta to hook up to YOUR system in YOUR room to compare to YOUR wp7,max,x2's. Only caveat is my speakers are less efficient (88 db) so have lots of power for fair comparison. Comparison is for: accuracy , musicality, enjoyment,value and anything else YOU want. Just be willing to be HONEST in your assesment. You have MY word that I will admit it on this forum if I am wrong and will bow down to Wilson if they earn my respect in direct comparison to my beloved WB's. I believe that even in a system optimized for Wilsons you will the beauty of a high end less costly alternative. - Jim
Ag insider logo xs@2xaldavis
Westborn, I suspect your tongue is well in cheek and maybe rightly so but I had no intentions of writing any knd of polemic, impressive or hilarious. Jim in his post of 1/07 listed his well thought out reasons as to why he feels the speakers are different, and I countered in my post above with reasons why I feel they are actually somewhat similar. Nothing more. Calling the Chimeras Euro wannabes was a good natured tweek at Jim's description of the Wilson's as "very good traditional kit speakers" which is funny because there is some truth in it! Jim seems like a mature guy with a good sense of humor and I respect his opinion.

I see the Chimera & W/P7 to be markedly different executions of a similar design concept, similarly priced in USD as well that sound very different. And Viva la difference. To each his own.

Jim you say you value accuracy but what does that sound like in a speaker?
Your premise alone, posited in _all caps_ as a "CHALLENGE" is a bit bombastic, if not an outright troll. If you really meant your "suggestion" as an informative, casual comparison to create an informed dialogue and shared experience--as you later inferred, you would have said so initially.

Logisics for such a foray would be beyond daunting. Do you know how much the MAXX2's weigh? Of course, they'd have to be moved out of the room and yours brought in. The process would take two to three days at least, to put together an informed comparison, and to what end?

You love your speakers, and I'm sure rightly so, but it's clear that your agenda is to prove that "better" (whatever that means) sound can be had at the same, or half the price of a Wilson product. Why not ask Alexandria owners as well, if you can drop by with your speakers so you can prove the incredible value your favorite speaker has compared to their top model?

You get defensive at any questioning response but fail to consider the manner in which you framed your "CHALLENGE TO WILSON OWNERS" post as a causatiive factor? IMO it was wildly inappropriate if your intent was benign.

So, let me understand, you propose to drag your speakers out of your home (with no agenda in mind) , and are asking Wilson owners(in CAPS) to allow you into their home based on an internet "challenge" to compare your "half the price" speakers with MAXX2's, or similarly priced WATT 7's. And of course, you are just interested in learning and will be completely unbiased? And you wonder why so many have responded as they have?

Your opening post clearly states your love for your speakers and your zeal to prove their value pitted against not just any speaker, but Wilsons specifically? And you are suprised you are not flooded with takers?

I don't casually let _anyone_ I don't know over for just a listen to my system, much less some internet yokel that wants to invite himself and his speakers over for an agenda driven comparison.

Maybe I've misjudged, but your initial, and subsequent posts indicate to me (and others in this thread) that you have way too much time on your hands and an itch for promotion, whether of yourself or your speakers is unclear. Not in my home, thank you.

And yes, I own the MAXX2's. I've heard your speakers at dealers and they are very good as are other WB designs, if not my cupa. They are a very good speaker, none the less.

I loved the original Audio Physic speakers and have had countless other speakers through my room. My tastes in music, sound, speakers and electronics are my own. I have NO interest in a proposed "shootout" (which is what you seek) as I have already made my choices and have nothing to prove.

I hope you aren't doing this as a means to justify your own choice, as that would be sad, indeed.
Yes, khrys, tounge FIRMLY in cheek. It was late last night when I was reading through the forums and the 'challenge' just struck me as funny in an adolescent way (no offense AlDavis - sorry about that).

I'm sure the Chimeras are very good speakers, I haven't heard a Benesch speaker, but everything I've read and 'heard' from talking, emails, internet discussions, etc. from people's whose ears I trust indicates that they are very nice. AlDavis, I'm sure your speakers are very enjoyable to you, that's great; your pride of ownership and enjoyment of music through them comes through in your comments and challenge. Sorry if I was jesting and jabbing at what I'm sure is a well intentioned challenge - I know how it is to want to get folks in front of what you're hearing, - almost the lifetime cave - dweller has finally gone outside and witnessed sunshine - and tries to tell everyone back in the cave what it's like, sadly on 'deaf ears' to no avail most of the time. I'd love to be able to listen to your Chimeras, but alas am a long way from you.

khrs - I HAVE heard the WPs, although its been a while. And I was definitely impressed. Drooling for a pair at a reasonable (to me) price.
I KNOW they KICK SERIOUS ASS, man! ;-) And play music beautifully as well.

I currenly own Northcreek Revelator Rythms - which are nice, but not up to the level of either the Chimeras or the WP7, but cost about 1/7 as much too, so go figure. I've got 4 kids so other priorities compete for the dollars right now. Both of you guys have for what to me right now are 'dream speakers', though I've heard some line arrays that are altogether different than both and equally impressive in their own way.

Enjoy gentlemen..

By the way, I've just joined here... who is Vince McMahon? Sounds like a quarterback.
"I don't casually let _anyone_ I don't know over for just a listen to my system, much less some internet yokel that wants to invite himself and his speakers over for an agenda driven comparison."

Hi Samuel

I too am a Wilson owner--have been for the past 12 years in which time I have owned the WP 5.1, WP6, MAXX l's, X-1 Series 3 and now the X-2 Alexandria. I also presently have the XS as well as the WATCH center, surround and rear in my system. Personally I wouldn't own any other speaker because the Wilson's light up my ears. Having said that however I must tell you that I have met the finest people by inviting "internet yokels" into my house to hear my system. Most have become members of our local Bay Area Audio Society. Audiophiles are good people and only share the love of music. It comes in all flavors and we must be conciliatory to everyone and their own flavors. This is a very diverse hobby. Nothing is perfect. If our friend wants to travel to the SF Bay area with his speakers I would only be too happy for the challenge of putting his speakers up against my X-2 Alexandrias. Audiophiles IMO are just fine to open your house to and extend an invitation for some serious listening. I guaranty some good friendships will develop
OK fellas you win. Samuel, yes it would be duanting but I volunteered to do the work at my own time/ expense. Why Wilsons ? I think this was clearly answered somewhere above but here goes again. Many nonprodutive flame wars have been started here over the subject of the Wilson "sound" and the concept of "value" in audio. I tried to start an empiric approach by offering my time and equipment without the common childish name calling (yocal) or character besmirthment (troll) that this subject so often engenders. On one similar thread I was told to move to Canada as my sentiments about value were somehow anticapitalistic. In fact I was expresing thoughts about real world concepts with what I thought were mature adults. It is not about my WB speakers per se but any high end well built speaker ( 20 T's for instance) in comparison to the Wilsons at multiples of their prices. Yes I regret the use of capitals in my opening remark but I regret much more the lack of civility,maturity, and any sense of real curiosity about a subject which so many of you have opinions about. Well you know what they say about opinions. - Jim