Did you see this e-article in Yahoo news today??


A few things stood for me:
* he offers money-back if not satisfied. Nice to know this!
* he insists that the 'audiophile haters" are wrong to blame the audiophiles when they (latter) buy pricey stereos
* the LP cleaning solutions recommended are none other than Walker Audio & Disc Doctor; not some run of the mill product
* Port's recommendations for warming up the stereo seems to be in-line with what I've read here in the basic guidelines

hmmmmm..........maybe there are more audiophile 'crack-pots' out there that need to be recruited into the AudioAssylum??? ;-)
Taters, I tend to agree with you that the pricing on these "hot stampers" vinyl is ludicrous BUT there just might be some truth to it.
Read this forum thread (as I did) & also watch the Mike Fremer video (see the post by Qdrone) in its entirety (I'm in the process of - watched 20 mins of the 60 mins).

after all of this you might still be unconvinced but at least you'll be better educated (I was/am).
BTW, just to be clear: I'm not taking sides one way or the other re. hot stampers vinyl & their pricing but I'm merely pointing you to some additional info.
Apparently this topic is not new & the pricing is also not as ludicrous as it 1st seems - there's this company called Better Records that's been pricing such vinyl at these stratospheric prices for a while now......
I think I will start selling my hot...Hot stampers @ twice the price. Some of them have been through a 40 year evaluation and listening process. That must be worth something.