Daedalus DA-1

The Daedalus DA-1 is a medium size floorstanding speaker that is exceedingly musical and a joy to behold. I recently had the opportunity to audition this loudspeaker at Response Audio in upstate New York. Bill Baker, who owns Response, is a tube and two-channel audio enthusiast who designs and builds his own amplifiers and demonstrates the DA-1's with enthusiasm and integrity. I recommend his shop to anyone in the Northeast as a source of off-the-beaten track gear and honest, helpful service.

The DA-1 is made from solid hardwood, using old world handcrafted techniques such as dovetail joinery. The speakers come in oak, cherry and black walnut, with the baffles made of the latter material regardless of finish. They are simply stunning to look at--I found myself rubbing my hands upon the surface as I would a fine piece of furniture. The speakers are also "proportionally correct" in that, while clearly a large and full range floorstander, they do not and will not dominate the room by their sheer physical presence. Lou Hinckey, who designs and builds the speakers, has also incorporated some interesting geometry by making the inside panel narrower than the outside one and sloping the baffle slightly to time align the drivers. The result is a unique and attractive package that is said to minimize standing waves inside the cabinet.
Lou is a musician who builds acoustic amplification PA systems and therefore entered the world of high end speaker design via a side door. He brings his musicians ear and determination to reproduce acoustic instruments faithfully--and this he has surely done. In fact, this is perhaps the most attractive aspect of the DA-1's sound. Obeos, violins, guitars, cellos, etc. are reproduced with flesh and body. The ability to distinguish between clarinet, oboe and basson is as easy as when you are sitting in front of an orchestra. This, I have found, is a rare quality in many audiophile designs. Instruments tend to sound thin and homogenous, with much of their communicative cues lost. This, for me, strips away much of the emotional quality of the listening experience. The DA-1's are fully engaging, drawing you into the performance in a way few speakers are able to do.
Lou also talks a lot about listener fatigue and has designed the speaker to be a winner over long listening sessions. I can confirm this having spent about 4 hours at Bill's shop. The DA-1's are highly listenable, with a slightly recessed midrange similar to the BBC dip found in brands like Harbeth and Spendor. The DA-1's don't dump the music in your lap, they draw you into the performance without sacrificing detail and clarity. How Lou was able to design and build a high resolution speaker that does not offend over long term listening, I don't know--but he has. While the DA-1's may not be as revealing as some speakers, they are fast, dynamic and highly resolving.
The DA-1's do not image as precisely as some speakers. The soundfield is not huge despite the size and multiple drive units. Images are somewhat diffuse (due, perhaps, to his use of two tweeters slightly offset to enlarge dispersion). This did not bother me in the least, as I am not "into" soundstaging and imaging per se. However, some may be disappointed in how the speakers localize instruments if that is your cup of tea. Rather, the DA-1's sound like live music in that the presentation is bold, dynamic and the sound like that you would hear at a live concert.
High frequency response is good, not great. The tweeters do not spit or misbehave but the speakers lack the last bit of air and definition that some comparably priced speakers produce. This may have been due to inadequate break in time. The speakers do have a two position adjustment for the tweeter output and this was set at "high" during my listening sessions.
The bass response was also not to my liking. There was good authority but in Bill's room (which is very large and not really well designed for music reproduction--he is in the process of renovations which should yield better results) I found the bass lacking pace and timing. It also seemed as though part of the lower regions was being emphasize over others. My discussions/correspondence with DA-1 owners suggests to me that the room was the culprit but I am reserving judgement. Anyone care to weigh in here?
In the end, the DA-1's are, for the money, one of the best (if not best) loudspeakers I have heard in my search thus far (and some of you know how long I've been looking). With the exception of the bass, which I believe may be room incurred, and the slight lack of air and extension in the treble, you would be hard pressed to find a more musical and enjoyable loudspeaker. I strongly urge anyone who is in the market for a beautiful floorstander that is easy to drive (96db) and fun and involving to listen to to give Bill a shout and check them out. If you do, please post your thoughts and keep the dialogue going about a relatively unknown product of serious merit.

Here is the Daedalus website:

I must clarify my previous post which might have implied that Lou Hinkley and Daedalus are new-comers to audio, when, in fact, they have been designing and making highly-regarded speakers and amps, for professional use, for 14 years, which is an impressive trackrecord. Along the way, Mr. Hinkley has developed his own proprietary components used in his products. Sorry for short-changing Daedalus and their prestigious history.
Well, Steinway 57, I've never auditioned any model of the Harbeths, but have read many positive as well as a few negative remarks about their speakers. The Daedalus is sort of a "new kid" on the block, but if you know the sound of the real thing (acoustic music), you cannot help but be impressed by the neutrality of the Daedalus. It doesn't matter what the history or pedigree of a speaker is if it can withhold from editorializing the signal it is fed. My guess is that a good many audiophiles might not rank it highly on first exposure as nothing stands out to grab your attention. It doesn't possess any rise in the treble to create a false sense of detail, and the bass response is extended but not elevated. If there is any imbalance (the key word here is "if"), it is in the bass and the way the speaker interacts with the room in the bottom end. Also, when new, the bass is the last thing to "come around", so one should have a good many hours before getting too carried away with fine tuning the placement or treating the room for bass anomalies.

As far as staging goes, it does not throw the kind of stage that a good dipole or open baffle speaker can create, but its staging is nonetheless of reasonable width and depth. It is not a speaker where the listener has to hold his/her head in a vice to get a stereo image--any seat on the sofa will do.

This is a speaker than can reproduce a piano in all its weight and dynamics. Having just returned from CES (no, the Daedalus was not on exhibt there), I feel confident in saying that I would probably have preferred listening to the Daedalus relative to 95% of the speakers I heard there, and this includes many speakers that were many times their cost. The Daedalus is a speaker for long-term listening as it does not fatigue.

I don't own Daedalus speakers and I don't know Lou Hinkley, but I do know a good speaker when I hear one. As an added bonus, the fit and finish of the speaker is exemplary. Anyone in the market for a speaker in that price range or above should give these an honest listen.
Steinway, much of what you say makes sense however what is unique (I think) about the Daedalus is that it is clearly NOT a flavor of the month type of speaker. All that Theloveman says is true--they are not designed to grab your attention with a hyperdetailed (yet ultimately fatiguing) presentation. Nothing about the speaker really grabs your attention. Rather it is the musical performance that is inescapable from view. I agree, companies like Harbeth have devoted considerable time and effort (read: research) into developing their loudspeakers. Their Radial driver is, IMHO, the best midrange/bass driver in existence and they have such a depth of knowledge about how to blend their drivers with a sophisticated crossover that the sound is seemlessly engaging. I've said it over and over here and elsewhere, Harbeth is currently building the best, most consistently musical loudspeakers today. For the money they simply cannot be beat--I know, I've been trying to replace my Compact 7's for over two years with another speaker up to 10K. Of course, they have a particular "house sound" that may not be for everyone, but most musicians and music lovers gravitate toward their lineup. However, as Theloveman indicates, this does not mean others cannot produce a speaker that has many of the same musical qualities of the Harbeth/Spendor camp. The Daedalus are a very good speaker and not the kind you a likely to see hyped and then abandoned after the "next best thing" comes along.
Whoa, check this out, kids...Mr. & Mrs. Daedalus are the proud new parents of the DA-1's little brother...the DA-2
