Has anybody experienced Proac D80?

I am considering upgrading my beloved 3.8 to D80 but I can't find these on display in NYC. Could you give me some advices if you own or have ever listened these before? I apprecite it.
I am very happy D80 owner. They are very musical. I know the previous Proac models a lot (have had several) and I can promise you that the D80s are much better than the old response 3.8. The D80s have that good old full-bodied proac sound, but are more dynamic, more resolved and have more speed and attack without beeing too analytical.

When I started looking at D80 I also auditioned Audio Physics Avanti III and JM Lab Mezzo Utiopia which was in the same price range. They appeared to be not as musical as the D80's and I found that it really was no contest. A couple of months ago I had the opportunity to listen to the new Audio Physics Caldera speakers for an hour. The electronics was all Burmester reference gear. Although the setup was more expensive than mine, it struck me that I didn't enjoy it as much as my own system...

Like some of the other speakers I mentioned the D80s also have much authority and dynamics. But where the D80s excel and are stronger than most competitors is in the midrange and the all over balance.

I find it strange that not so many other on Audiogon have the larger ProacsÂ…. In my opinion they are a bargain.

Note! The D80's deserve some very good amplifiers. This should not be missed out. I have had a Cary V12 tube amp earlier, and also Jeff Rowland 501 monos, but I was not happy with any of them. The Cary V12 was too dark sounding and did not have enough power. The 501s were too polite and analytical (no magic....) I now have Theta Citadel monos and they have really transformed my system, and I now understand that my D80s never were the weak link in the audio chain. I have also heard the D80's with the Cary CAD-211 tube monoamps. That also appeared to be a very good match.

have you compared them to the D38 or D25, I mentioned the D25 as well because i am familiar with its sound. tks.
Sorry for late answer, maybe you have D80 already, but sure I have compared them to D25 as I have had D25 earlier. The D80 sounds much better and bigger! But the D25 are impressive for their size, but most suitable in smaller rooms.