"He was VERY patient, professional and accommodating. I took weeks to finally pick them up due to my business schedule and me not being readily available. It was a very positive experience - he established my trust and confidence.
I highly recommend David."
At least Dave's starting to figure out how to take care of customers. He almost went out a few years ago when a new Best Buy opened up near the store. He's one of the few owners in the entire industry, that doesn't know anything about audio. For him, its just a business. Its very rare in that most people that open an audio store do so because they're really into the equipment.
I highly recommend David."
At least Dave's starting to figure out how to take care of customers. He almost went out a few years ago when a new Best Buy opened up near the store. He's one of the few owners in the entire industry, that doesn't know anything about audio. For him, its just a business. Its very rare in that most people that open an audio store do so because they're really into the equipment.